Instantly Improve Your Mood With Energy Redirection

Another life lesson compels me to write a post about it! Energy redirection. I promise I won’t start convincing you to believe in the afterlife, earth angels, or twin flame attraction.

I have something helpful to share that will boost your state of mind and mood if you’ve been feeling less than so-so.

Setting the Scene

This is exactly what it looked like when I had this epiphany.

I was lousing around on my green couch, mopey and unenergised. Kya (my daughter) was doing her annoying half-yell because I want attention or food or my teeth hurt or I’m bored. I don’t know what her yells mean anymore- could be anything.

T’was a few days before the new year and I had mixed feelings. I’d been on holidays for a few weeks and soon would be walking straight into a part-time job in a field I’d never thought I’d ever do, childcare. It also meant I’d have little time for creativity- I’d essentially lose my freedom.

I was unsure, but also excited to start the new endeavour.

In the midst of my lacklustre mood, I got an abrupt desire to listen to Casitas by Goth Babe.

Literally, within the first 10 seconds of the song, my entire mood and thought process switched.

Do you ever get those moments where a mood-changing thought spontaneously strikes?

I always liked the song Casitas, but this time the lyrics seeped into my blood and I resonated with every word.

Let’s use the power of energy redirection to feel better the wise voice in my head whispered.

I picked up my soppy soul and grabbed a colour-in. I sat with my 8 month old daughter and… didn’t really colour, I just kept yanking the pencils out of her hand, plus she ripped one of the pages. HAHA. That’s reality these days. BUT I felt better, overall. I was spending time with my daughter and slowing down.

“ Rising from my bed with the pain
I hope that one day I feel better

Living every day all the same...“
-Casitas by Goth Babe

What’s Energy Redirection?

This is a concept that I’ve read about in many of my spiritual books. Simply put:

Energy Redirection is the ability to take a negative thought and direct it into something more constructive.

You do this by taking that thing/ feeling you’re fixated on, and refocusing it toward something more positive.

For example; let’s say you’re upset because you’re moving towns, you can redirect that energy so instead of focusing on what you’re leaving behind and making yourself saddened, you can focus on the things to look forward to and be motivated to start fresh.

It takes willpower and inner strength to let go of that addicting negativity.

Negativity is addictive because your ego thinks ‘oh, poor me. I’m important because I’m so affected by this thing.‘ The ego makes up excuses why it (you) can’t be happy. And that’s not to debase your feelings of sadness or anger, because believe it or not, you can feel sad or angry whilst maintaining that state of happiness.

That’s essentially why it’s so difficult for us to just be happy.

Everyone says they want to be happy, but not many put the effort into achieving the state of mind that allows for endless happiness.

Some people are faced with severe natural disaster or limited means, for example, and still some of those victims feels happier than most of us in this privileged Western society. Crazy.

Energy redirection is one tool crucial for achieving endless happiness. Practise it.

Read below to find out how I use it.

How To Use Energy Redirection

You can use it anywhere, anytime. This is my process…

First consider what you’re feeling.

Are you mad at a friend about something? Frustrated with your boss? Heart-broken by an ex?

Now, take your personal situation and really sit with the energy that leaks from your freshly cracked egg. It’s going to hurt initially, but that’s the healing process. It’s like pouring anti-septic on an open wound so it doesn’t get infected. It’s going to sting, but you’re going to have to just let it.

Feeling uncomfortable now? Good.

Now reframe your thinking.

Ask yourself: why do I feel that way?

I’m mad that so-and-so was an hour late to our dinner date. I felt so embarrassed sitting there alone.

Then consider: what can I do to change my point of focus?

It’ll look something like this:

I’m mad that so-and-so was an hour late to our dinner date. I felt so embarrassed sitting there alone. Maybe I’ll contact them and see if everything is going okay in life.

You’ve addressed the issue, you’re self aware of how it affected you, then finally, you’ve come up with an action you can do to mitigate the unhappiness.

Another example:

I’m shattered my boyfriend just cheated on me! I feel so upset and unworthy! I devoted everything to him and he betrays me like this! I did nothing wrong! I guess he wasn’t a good match for me. I know I deserve someone who respects me and cares for me. I’ve been wanting to get fit again, so I’m going to get back into the gym and be my best self, for me.

If all else fails…

If changing your thought processes and putting your ego aside doesn’t make you feel any better, try empathising with the subject that is troubling you.

By doing this, you put aside that ego nagging you to feel either victimised by or superior to something, and instead see it eye-to-eye.

Final Word

It’s definitely not easy, and the fact that you’re this far into reading this post means that you actually care about your well-being and are willing to make changes to live in happiness. Go you!

If you want some help redirecting your energy, comment below or contact me! Maybe I can give you some ideas or encouraging words :)

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